Thursday, 24 April 2014

Girl's Best Friend

They say diamonds are a girl’s best friend and dog is man’s...

Of course diamonds are fancy, luxurious and expensive but you can't beat the warmth, loyalty and priceless companionship of a dog...  Like everything else in life we take our dog for granted; of course they're fed, watered and walked, the latter perhaps not every day.  They're out in the back garden, waiting patiently for you to see them and when you do they get so excited because they love you, you’re their best friend and they'd do anything they could for you.  They want to protect you and just want to be loved like us all...

Sadly there are some things that we can't protect our loved ones from and that’s death...  It's going to happen to us all one day and it's probably the only one thing we're sure of in life but when it comes, it's heartbreaking...

Unfortunately my rock of a dog had an aggressive form of cancer which came in the space of a couple of months.  He went off his food, lost weight, became immensely tired, couldn't walk much and he always loved to walk with my other half.  Our pets can't tell us how they feel but his eyes looked weary and his body couldn't take it anymore.

I knew on the day when he was out in the front garden with my other half; I looked out of the window, my dog looked up at me as he always did but this time instead of jumping up, he just dropped to the ground.  We carried him in and I couldn't stop crying, I kept rubbing him and telling him I loved him...

We drove to the vets and I sat in the back with him over my lap, I knew it would be my last journey with him...  The vet looked at him, said he was in pain and advised the words I didn't want to hear.  He hadn't been in pain before this as the medication helped but he couldn't take it anymore...  He fought all the way, my little warrior...

I held his paw and rubbed his head while he lay on the table as the vet done what he had to.  My other half rubbed him too and we both cried, told him we love him and he took his last breath...

A year on and I still miss him like mad.  Of course I think of all the times I could and should have spent with him and missed out on but I just think of all the moments we had together and his lovely little face always looking to see if I was there...  I know he’s always there with me, wherever there may be...

It's not diamonds, dog is a girl’s best friend...

#dog #bestfriend #diamonds #fortheloverof #blogger #blogspot #tashcorcoran